Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Beginning

So, basically, there are two reasons why I started up this blog:
1. Because I've always wanted to
2. Because a friend's nagging encouragements have gotten the better of me.
There are also two reasons why I haven't actually started a blog before this:
1. Because I've always delayed by saying I don't have time
2. Because I've always had some excuse or rather to postpone myself if reason #1 was not the case.
Basically, now I've overcome myself and finally gotten around to doing this. What I plan to put here is not, as generally done by others, reports of my daily going-ons, but my perspectives on certain respects I consider of importance. I'm hoping to post a couple of my short stories too. In return, I hope everyone who drops by and reads will be able to provide feedback, comments, etc. I welcome ANYTHING so long as it is openminded and not one-sided or undermines others.
I look forward to posting something that's been bugging me for quite a while now as soon as I have enough time (there goes the time excuse again....).
Peace out peepz!